DJH City-Hostel Bonn

Enjoy nature in the Rhine metropolis of Bonn

Located on the stunning Venusberg (Venus Mountain), also called ‘Bonn’s Terrace’, the hostel is nestled at the edge of the Kottenforst Nature Preserve, only about 4 km (3 miles) and just minutes by car or bus from the city centre. Enjoy both the amazing mountain-top view of Bonn and the proximity to the city.
  • Total of 269 beds (double/single rooms, 4-bed rooms – all with private shower and bathroom). 
  • 28 wheelchair-accessible rooms
  • 9 meeting rooms for 6-120 guests (all wheelchair-accessible)
  • 4 dining rooms, bistro, terrace, high ropes course

Jugendherberge Bonn
Haager Weg 42
53127 Bonn

Tel: +49 228 28997-0
Fax: +49 228 28997-14

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